Generally, shopping is an activity a lot of people like to engage in, and they end up spending too much just to get their desired item. It is sometimes referred to as a buying disorder and the ability to control it becomes difficult. There are signs and symptoms that show there is a potential crisis of a shopping addiction.
Firstly, purchasing items that are not required is a crucial factor that there is a tendency to get addicted. Having an obsession for materials that can actually be done without, can cause susceptibility to addiction. The temptation to resist those items would become intensive thereby leading to addiction. Also, there could be excessive acquisition or the inability to do without large quantity of items. This is actually referred to as hoarding and a hoarder would intentionally purchase all these items and may end up not using any of them. The urge to add to a collection of items keeps increasing despite financial hurdles or other problems associated with spending.
Similarly, issues of anxiety and depression may lead to shopping addiction. When someone suffers from depression, spending and buying may become an addictive problem. There is a high tendency to be exposed to over spending when one is not psychologically balanced, because purchasing new items could cause a sensation in the mind allowing a recurrence of the behavior.
The pleasure derived from acquiring new things could cause a temporary relief or release from the burden of depression according to a person suffering from it. Shopping or spending could be a form of self-medication and treatment for those suffering from depression and anxiety. Although, the relief derived could be temporary, it is still a relief and as such there would be a prompting to continue in the act of shopping and spending which may end up in addiction.
Also, there are individuals who have issues of low self-esteem and this could be for various reasons and the degree or extent may vary in them. Importantly, there are different ways they react to this issue.
Sometimes, they give themselves high expectations and hopes to feel better and to try and impress others. This is common and observable in people who want the best out of anything they can purchase and spend on. They are not contented with something of less quality but try to acquire the best and latest trend. When this behavior becomes more pronounced, they see the need to keep sustaining their self-worth and lose control of how they spend.

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